
作者:admin    文章来源:http://biox.ustc.edu.cn/szdw/zgkxybrjhhdz/201008/t20100820_31795.html    点击数:    更新时间:2012-5-22

    周丛照,男,教授,博士生导师,中国科学院“百人计划”入选者,生命科学学院副院长。1987年至1995年就读于中国科技大学生物系并先后获学士和硕士学位。1999年1月至2000年2月作为联合培养博士生在法国巴黎南大学IGM研究所学习,2000年获中国科学技术大学生命科学学院博士学位。2000年9月至2001年1月在法国巴黎南大学遗传学与微生物学研究所作博士后研究;2001年2月至2003年12月在法国科研中心及巴黎南大学结构基因组学实验室作博士后研究。现为中国科技大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师,合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室(筹)研究员。在PNAS、EMBO Reports、Nucleic Acids Research、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Structure、Proteins和Biochemistry等杂志发表研究论文四十余篇。曾获得1998年度安徽省自然科学二等奖和2000年中法科技交流协会生物技术奖。2005年当选中国生物化学与分子生物学学会常务理事。

    1、 氧化应激的蛋白质相互作用网络(973、863和基金委项目)

    2、 家蚕丝素合成的机理研究(973、863和基金委项目)


    主要论文(#first author, *corresponding author):
    (1) Zhao MX#, Jiang YL#, Xu BY, Chen Y, Zhang CC and Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure of cyanobacterial signal transduction protein PII in complex with PipX. J Mol Biol. 2010; in press
    (2) Zhao MX, Jiang YL, He YX, Chen YF, Teng YB, Chen Y, Zhang CC* and Zhou CZ*. Structural basis for the allosteric control of the global transcription factor NtcA by the nitrogen starvation signal 2-oxoglutarate.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010; 107(28) 12487-92.
    (3) Du Y, He YX, Gaowa S, Zhang X, Chen Y, Zhang SC and Zhou CZ*. Crystal structures of the apo and GDP-bound forms of a cupin-like protein BbDUF985 from Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense. Proteins. 2010; 78(12):2714-9.
    (4) Luo M, Jiang YL, Ma XX, Tang YJ, He YX, Yu J, Zhang RG, Chen Y, and Zhou CZ*. Structural and biochemical characterization of yeast monothiol glutaredoxin Grx6. J Mol Biol. 2010; 398(4):614-22.
    (5) Zhang NN, He YX, Li WF, Teng YB, Yu J, Chen Y, Zhou CZ*. Crystal structures of holo and Cu-deficient Cu/Zn-SOD from the silkworm Bombyx mori and the implications in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Proteins. 2010; 78(8):1999-2004.
    (6) He YX#, Huang L#, Xue Y#, Fei X, Teng YB, Rubin-Pitel S, Zhao H* and Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure and computational analyses provide insights into the catalytic mechanism of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol hydrolase PhlG from Pseudomonas fluorescens.J Biol Chem. 2010; 285(7):4603-11.
    (7) Ma XX, Jiang YL, He YX, Bao R, Chen Y, Zhou CZ*. Structures of yeast glutathione-S-transferase Gtt2 reveal a new catalytic type of GST family.EMBO Reports. 2009; 10(12):1320-26
    (8) Teng YB, Ma XX, He YX, Jiang YL, Du J, Xiang C, Chen Y, Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure of Arabidopsis translation initiation factor eIF-5A2.Proteins. 2009; 77(3):736-40.
    (9) Bao R, Zhou CZ, Jiang C, Lin SX, Chi CW, Chen Y*. The ternary structure of the double-headed arrowhead protease inhibitor API-A complexed with two trypsins reveals a novel reactive site conformation. J Biol Chem. 2009; 284(39):26676-84.
    (10) He YX, Gui L, Liu YZ, Du Y, Zhou Y, Li P*, Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamine synthetase Gln1 suggests a nanotube-like supramolecular assembly.Proteins. 2009; 76(1):249-54.
    (11) Huang L#, Sun F#, Liang C, He YX, Bao R, Liu L* and Zhou CZ*. Structural basis for the unique anti-tumor activity of LZ-8 from the fungus Ganoderma lucidium. Proteins. 2009; 75(2):524-7.
    (12) Zhang WJ#, He YX#, Yang Z, Yu J, Chen Y, Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure of glutathione-dependent phospholipid peroxidase Hyr1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Proteins. 2008; 73(4):1058-62.
    (13) Yu J, Zhang NN, Yin PD, Cui PX and Zhou CZ* Glutathionylation-triggered conformational changes of glutaredoxin Grx1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proteins. 2008; 72: 1077-83
    (14) Yu J and Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure of the dimeric Urm1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proteins. 2008; 71: 1050-5
    (15) Yu J and Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure of glutathione reductase Glr1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proteins. 2007; 68(4):972-9.
    (16) Bao R, Chen Y*, Tang YJ, Janin J and Zhou CZ*. Crystal structure of the yeast cytoplasmic thioredoxin Trx2. Proteins. 2007; 66 (1): 246-9
    (17) Graziani S, Bernauer J, Skouloubris S, Graille M, Zhou CZ, Marchand C, Decottignies P, van Tilbeurgh H, Myllykallio H, Liebl U*. Catalytic mechanism and structure of viral flavin-dependent thymidylate synthase ThyX. J Biol Chem. 2006; 281: 24048-57.
    (18) Sun J, Zhang J, Wu F, Xu C, Li S, Zhao W, Wu Z, Wu J, Zhou CZ* and Shi Y*. Solution structure and metal binding properties of Kti11p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemistry. 2005;44: 8801-9.
    (19) Graille M#, Zhou CZ#, Receveur V, Collinet B, Declerck N and van Tilbeurgh H*. Activation of the LicT transcriptional antiterminator by a domain swing/lock mechanism. J Biol Chem. 2005; 280:14780-9.
    (20) Zhou CZ#, Meyer P#, Quevillon-Cheruel S, de La Sierra-Gallay IL, Collinet B, Graille M, Blondeau K, Leulliot N, Sorel I, Poupon A, Janin J and van Tilbeurghet H*. Crystal structure of the YML079w protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals a new sequence family of the jellyroll fold. Protein Science. 2005; 14:209-15
    (21) Liger D, Graille M, Zhou CZ, Leulliot N, Quevillon-Cheruel S, Blondeau K, Janin J and van Tilbeurgh H*. Crystal structure and functional characterisation of yeast YLR011wp, an NAD(P)H:FMN reductase with NAD(P)H- and FMN-dependent ferric iron reductase activity.J Biol Chem. 2004;279: 34890-7.
    (22) Graille M, Cheruel S, Leulliot N, Zhou CZ, Li de La Sierra Gallay I, Jacquamet L, Ferrer J-L., Poupon A, Janin J and van Tilbeurgh H*. Crystal structure of the YDR533c S. cerevisiae protein, a class II member of the Hsp 31 family. Structure. 2004; 12: 839-47.
    (23) Zhou CZ, de la Sierra-Gallay IL, Quevillon-Cheruel S, Collinet B, Graille M, Blondeau K, Leulliot N, Sorel I, Poupon A, Janin J and van Tilbeurgh H*. Crystal structure of the yeast PX-domain protein Grd19p complexed to phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate.J Biol Chem. 2003; 278: 50371–6.
    (24) Zhou CZ, Confalonieri F*, Jacquet M, Perasso R, Li ZG and Janin J. Silk fibroin: Structural implications of a remarkable amino acid sequence. Proteins. 2001; 44(2): 119-22.
    (25) Zhou CZ, Confalonieri F*, Medina N, Esnault C, Zivanovic Y, Yang T, Jacquet M, Janin J, Duguet M, Perasso R and Li ZG. Fine organization of Bombyx mori fibroin heavy chain gene.Nucleic Acids Research. 2000; 28(12): 2413-9.

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